bioio.writers package


bioio.writers.ome_tiff_writer module

class bioio.writers.ome_tiff_writer.OmeTiffWriter[source]

Bases: Writer

static build_ome(data_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], data_types: List[dtype], dimension_order: List[str | None] | None = None, channel_names: List[List[str] | None] | None = None, image_name: List[str | None] | None = None, physical_pixel_sizes: List[PhysicalPixelSizes] | None = None, channel_colors: List[List[List[int]] | None] | None = None) OME[source]

Create the necessary metadata for an OME tiff image


A list of 5- or 6-d tuples


A list of data types


The order of dimensions in the data array, using T,C,Z,Y,X and optionally S


The names for each channel to be put into the OME metadata


The name of the image to be put into the OME metadata


Z,Y, and X physical dimensions of each pixel, defaulting to microns


List of all images channel colors to be put into the OME metadata


is a S dimension present? S is expected to be the last dim in the data shape


An OME object that can be converted to a valid OME-XML string

static save(data: List[ndarray | Array] | ndarray | Array, uri: str | Path, dim_order: str | List[str | None] | None = None, ome_xml: str | OME | None = None, channel_names: List[str] | List[List[str] | None] | None = None, image_name: str | List[str | None] | None = None, physical_pixel_sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes | List[PhysicalPixelSizes] | None = None, channel_colors: List[List[int]] | List[List[List[int]] | None] | None = None, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, tifffile_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {'compression': COMPRESSION.ADOBE_DEFLATE}, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Write a data array to a file.

data: Union[List[biob.types.ArrayLike], biob.types.ArrayLike]

The array of data to store. Data arrays must have 2 to 6 dimensions. If a list is provided, then it is understood to be multiple images written to the ome-tiff file. All following metadata parameters will be expanded to the length of this list.

uri: biob.types.PathLike

The URI or local path for where to save the data. Note: OmeTiffWriter can only write to local file systems.

dim_order: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, None]]]]

The dimension order of the provided data. Dimensions must be a list of T, C, Z, Y, Z, and S (S=samples for rgb data). Dimension strings must be same length as number of dimensions in the data. If S is present it must be last and its data count must be 3 or 4. Default: None. If None is provided for any data array, we will guess dimensions based on a TCZYX ordering. In the None case, data will be assumed to be scalar, not RGB.

ome_xml: Optional[Union[str, OME]]

Provided OME metadata. The metadata can be an xml string or an OME object from ome-biob.types. A provided ome_xml will override any other provided metadata arguments. Default: None The passed-in metadata will be validated against current OME_XML schema and raise exception if invalid. The ome_xml will also be compared against the dimensions of the input data. If None is given, then OME-XML metadata will be generated from the data array and any of the following metadata arguments.

channel_names: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Optional[List[str]]]]]

Lists of strings representing the names of the data channels Default: None If None is given, the list will be generated as a 0-indexed list of strings of the form “Channel:image_index:channel_index”

image_name: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, None]]]]

List of strings representing the names of the images Default: None If None is given, the list will be generated as a 0-indexed list of strings of the form “Image:image_index”

physical_pixel_sizes: Optional[Union[biob.types.PhysicalPixelSizes,


List of numbers representing the physical pixel sizes in Z, Y, X in microns Default: None

channel_colors: Optional[Union[List[List[int]], List[Optional[List[List[int]]]]]

List of rgb color values per channel or a list of lists for each image. These must be values compatible with the OME spec. Default: None

fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {}

tifffile_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to tifffile write function. Do not use these kwargs to provide the image description, photometric configuration, or planarconfig parameters as those are all determined via the image and metadata provided from caller. Default: DEFAULT_TIFF_WRITE_KWARGS

Compression using ADOBE_DEFLATE (ZLIB)


Non-local file system URI provided.


Write a TCZYX data set to OME-Tiff

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([1, 10, 3, 1024, 2048])
..., "file.ome.tif")

Write data with a dimension order into OME-Tiff

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([10, 3, 1024, 2048])
..., "file.ome.tif", dim_order="ZCYX")

Write multi-scene data to OME-Tiff, specifying channel names

>>> image0 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 1024, 2048])
... image1 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 512, 512])
...     [image0, image1],
...     "file.ome.tif",
...     dim_order="CZYX",  # this single value will be repeated to each image
...     channel_names=[["C00","C01","C02"],["C10","C11","C12"]]
... )

Write data with custom compression scheme

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([1, 10, 3, 1024, 2048])
...     image,
...     "file.ome.tif",
...     tifffile_kwargs={
...         "compression": "zlib",
...         "compressionargs": {"level": 8},
...     },
... )

bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer module

class bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer.OmeZarrWriter(uri: str | Path)[source]

Bases: object


uri: biob.types.PathLike

The URI or local path for where to save the data.

static build_ome(size_z: int, image_name: str, channel_names: List[str], channel_colors: List[int], channel_minmax: List[Tuple[float, float]]) Dict[source]

Create the omero metadata for an OME zarr image


Number of z planes


The name of the image


The names for each channel


List of all channel colors


List of all (min, max) pairs of channel intensities


An “omero” metadata object suitable for writing to ome-zarr

write_image(image_data: ndarray | Array, image_name: str, physical_pixel_sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes | None, channel_names: List[str] | None, channel_colors: List[int] | None, chunk_dims: Tuple | None = None, scale_num_levels: int = 1, scale_factor: float = 2.0, dimension_order: str | None = None) None[source]

Write a data array to a file. NOTE that this API is not yet finalized and will change in the future.

image_data: biob.types.ArrayLike

The array of data to store. Data arrays must have 2 to 6 dimensions. If a list is provided, then it is understood to be multiple images written to the ome-tiff file. All following metadata parameters will be expanded to the length of this list.

image_name: str

string representing the name of the image

physical_pixel_sizes: Optional[biob.types.PhysicalPixelSizes]

PhysicalPixelSizes object representing the physical pixel sizes in Z, Y, X in microns. Default: None

channel_names: Optional[List[str]]

Lists of strings representing the names of the data channels Default: None If None is given, the list will be generated as a 0-indexed list of strings of the form “Channel:image_index:channel_index”

channel_colors: Optional[List[int]]

List of rgb color values per channel or a list of lists for each image. These must be values compatible with the OME spec. Default: None

scale_num_levels: Optional[int]

Number of pyramid levels to use for the image. Default: 1 (represents no downsampled levels)

scale_factor: Optional[float]

The scale factor to use for the image. Only active if scale_num_levels > 1. Default: 2.0

dimension_order: Optional[str]

The dimension order of the data. If None is given, the dimension order will be guessed from the number of dimensions in the data according to TCZYX order.


Write a TCZYX data set to OME-Zarr

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([1, 10, 3, 1024, 2048])
... writer = OmeZarrWriter("/path/to/file.ome.zarr")
... writer.write_image(image)

Write multi-scene data to OME-Zarr, specifying channel names

>>> image0 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 1024, 2048])
... image1 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 512, 512])
... writer = OmeZarrWriter("/path/to/file.ome.zarr")
... writer.write_image(image0, "Image:0", ["C00","C01","C02"])
... writer.write_image(image1, "Image:1", ["C10","C11","C12"])

bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2 module

class bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.OmeZarrWriter[source]

Bases: object

Class to write OME-Zarr files. Example usage:

from ome_zarr_writer import

# We need to compute the shapes and chunk sizes for each
# desired multiresolution level.
shapes = compute_level_shapes(input_shape, scaling, num_levels)
chunk_sizes = compute_level_chunk_sizes_zslice(shapes)

# Create an OmeZarrWriter object
writer = OmeZarrWriter()

# Initialize the store. Use s3 url or local directory path!
writer.init_store(str(save_uri), shapes, chunk_sizes, im.dtype)

# Write the image.
# This will compute downsampled levels on the fly.
# Adjust t batch size based on dask compute capacity.
writer.write_t_batches_array(im, tbatch=4)

# Generate a metadata dict and write it to the zarr.
meta = writer.generate_metadata(
generate_metadata(image_name: str, channel_names: List[str], physical_dims: dict, physical_units: dict, channel_colors: List[str] | List[int]) dict[source]

Build a metadata dict suitable for writing to ome-zarr attrs.


The image name.


The channel names.


for each physical dimension, include a scale factor. E.g. {“x”:0.1, “y”, 0.1, “z”, 0.3, “t”: 5.0}


For each physical dimension, include a unit string. E.g. {“x”:”micrometer”, “y”:”micrometer”, “z”:”micrometer”, “t”:”minute”}

init_store(output_path: str, shapes: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]], chunk_sizes: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]], dtype: dtype, compressor: Codec = Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, blocksize=0)) None[source]

Initialize the store.


The output path. If it begins with “s3://” or “gs://”, it is assumed to be a remote store. Credentials required to be provided externally.


The shapes of the levels.


The chunk sizes of the levels.


The data type.

write_metadata(metadata: dict) None[source]

Write the metadata.


The metadata dict. Expected to contain a multiscales array and omero dict

write_t_batches(im: BioImage, channels: List[int] = [], tbatch: int = 4, debug: bool = False) None[source]

Write the image in batches of T.


The BioImage object.


The number of T to write at a time.

write_t_batches_array(im: Array | ndarray, channels: List[int] = [], tbatch: int = 4, toffset: int = 0, debug: bool = False) None[source]

Write the image in batches of T.


An ArrayLike object. Should be 5D TCZYX.


The number of T to write at a time.


The offset to start writing T from. All T in the input array will be written

write_t_batches_image_sequence(paths: List[str], channels: List[int] = [], tbatch: int = 4, debug: bool = False) None[source]

Write the image in batches of T.


The list of file paths, one path per T.


The number of T to write at a time.

class bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.ZarrLevel(shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int], chunk_size: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int], dtype: numpy.dtype, zarray: zarr.core.Array)[source]

Bases: object

chunk_size: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]
dtype: dtype
shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]
zarray: Array
bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.build_ome(size_z: int, image_name: str, channel_names: List[str], channel_colors: List[int], channel_minmax: List[Tuple[float, float]]) dict[source]

Create the omero metadata for an OME zarr image


Number of z planes


The name of the image


The names for each channel. Must be of correct length!


List of all channel colors


List of all (min, max) pairs of channel intensities


An “omero” metadata object suitable for writing to ome-zarr

bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.chunk_size_from_memory_target(shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int], dtype: str, memory_target: int) Tuple[int, int, int, int, int][source]

Calculate chunk size from memory target in bytes. The chunk size will be determined by considering a single T and C, and subdividing the remaining dims by 2 until the chunk fits within the size target.


Shape of the array. Assumes a 5d TCZYX array.


Data type of the array.


Memory target in bytes.

Chunk size tuple.
bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.compute_level_chunk_sizes_zslice(shapes: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]]) List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]][source]

Convenience function to calculate chunk sizes for each of the input level shapes assuming that the shapes are TCZYX and we want the chunking to be per Z slice. This code also assumes we are only downsampling in XY and leaving TCZ alone. For many of our microscopy images so far, we have much more resolution in XY than in Z so this is a reasonable assumption.

The first shape returned will always be (1,1,1,shapes[0][3],shapes[0][4]) and the following will be a scaled number of slices scaled by the same factor as the successive shapes.

This is an attempt to keep the total size of chunks the same across all levels, by increasing the number of slices for downsampled levels. This is making a basic assumption that each of the shapes is a downsampled version of the previous shape.

For example, in a typical case, if the second level is scaled down by 1/2 in X and Y, then the second chunk size will have 4x the number of slices.


List of all multiresolution level shapes

List of chunk sizes for per-slice chunking
bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.compute_level_shapes(lvl0shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int], scaling: Tuple[float, float, float, float, float], nlevels: int) List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]][source]

Calculate all multiresolution level shapes by repeatedly scaling. Minimum dimension size will always be 1. This will always return nlevels even if the levels become unreducible and have to repeat.


Shape of the array. Assumes a 5d TCZYX tuple.


Amount to scale each dimension by. Dims will be DIVIDED by these values.


Number of levels to return. The first level is the original lvl0shape.

List of shapes of all nlevels.
bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.dim_tuple_to_dict(dims: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float, float, float]) dict[source]
bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.get_scale_ratio(level0: Tuple[int, ...], level1: Tuple[int, ...]) Tuple[float, ...][source]
bioio.writers.ome_zarr_writer_2.resize(image: Array, output_shape: Tuple[int, ...], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Array[source]

Wrapped copy of “skimage.transform.resize” Resize image to match a certain size.

image: :class:`dask.array`

The dask array to resize

output_shape: tuple

The shape of the resize array

*args: list

Arguments of skimage.transform.resize

**kwargs: dict

Keyword arguments of skimage.transform.resize

Resized image.

bioio.writers.timeseries_writer module

class bioio.writers.timeseries_writer.TimeseriesWriter[source]

Bases: Writer

A writer for timeseries Greyscale, RGB, or RGBA image data. Primarily directed at formats: “gif”, “mp4”, “mkv”, etc.

DIM_ORDERS = {3: 'TYX', 4: 'TYXS'}
static save(data: ndarray | Array, uri: str | Path, dim_order: str | None = None, fps: int = 24, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Write a data array to a file.

data: biob.types.ArrayLike

The array of data to store. Data must have either three or four dimensions.

uri: biob.types.PathLike

The URI or local path for where to save the data.

dim_order: str

The dimension order of the provided data. Default: None. Based off the number of dimensions, will assume the dimensions – three dimensions: TYX and four dimensions: TYXS.

fps: int

Frames per second to attach as metadata. Default: 24

fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {}


Cannot write FFMPEG formats to remote storage.


This writer can also be useful when wanting to create a timeseries image using a non-time dimension. For example, creating a timeseries image where each frame is a Z-plane from a source volumetric image as seen below.

>>> image = BioImage("some_z_stack.ome.tiff")
...     data=image.get_image_data("ZYX", T=0, C=0),
...     uri="some_z_stack.mp4",
...     # Overloading the Z dimension as the Time dimension
...     # Technically not needed as it would have been assumed due to three dim
...     dim_order="TYX",
... )


Data is the correct shape and dimension order

>>> image = dask.array.random.random((50, 100, 100))
..., "file.gif")

Data provided with current dimension order

>>> image = numpy.random.rand(100, 3, 1024, 2048)
..., "file.mkv", "TSYX")

Save to remote

>>> image = numpy.random.rand(300, 100, 100, 3)
..., "s3://my-bucket/file.png")

bioio.writers.two_d_writer module

class bioio.writers.two_d_writer.TwoDWriter[source]

Bases: Writer

A writer for image data is only 2 dimension with samples (RGB / RGBA) optional. Primarily directed at formats: “png”, “jpg”, etc.

This is primarily a passthrough to imageio.imwrite.

DIM_ORDERS = {2: 'YX', 3: 'YXS'}
FFMPEG_FORMATS = ['mov', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mp4', 'mkv', 'wmv', 'ogg']
static get_extension_and_mode(path: str) Tuple[str, str][source]

Provided a path to a file, provided back the extension (format) of the file and the imageio read mode.

path: str

The file to provide extension and mode info for.

extension: str

The extension (a naive guess at the format) of the file.

mode: str

The imageio read mode to use for image reading.

static save(data: ndarray | Array, uri: str | Path, dim_order: str | None = None, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Write a data array to a file.

data: types.ArrayLike

The array of data to store. Data must have either two or three dimensions.

uri: types.PathLike

The URI or local path for where to save the data.

dim_order: str

The dimension order of the provided data. Default: None. Based off the number of dimensions, will assume the dimensions similar to how reads in data. That is, two dimensions: YX and three dimensions: YXS.

fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {}


Data is the correct shape and dimension order

>>> image = dask.array.random.random((100, 100, 4))
..., "file.png")

Data provided with current dimension order

>>> image = numpy.random.rand(3, 1024, 2048)
..., "file.png", "SYX")

Save to remote

>>> image = numpy.random.rand(100, 100, 3)
..., "s3://my-bucket/file.png")

bioio.writers.writer module

class bioio.writers.writer.Writer[source]

Bases: ABC

A small class to build standardized image writer functions.

abstract static save(data: ndarray | Array, uri: str | Path, dim_order: str = 'TCZYX', **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Write a data array to a file.

data: types.ArrayLike

The array of data to store.

uri: types.PathLike

The URI or local path for where to save the data.

dim_order: str

The dimension order of the data.


>>> image = numpy.ndarray([1, 10, 3, 1024, 2048])
..., "file.ome.tif", "TCZYX")
>>> image = dask.array.ones((4, 100, 100))
..., "file.png", "CYX")

Module contents

class bioio.writers.OmeTiffWriter[source]

Bases: Writer

static build_ome(data_shapes: List[Tuple[int, ...]], data_types: List[dtype], dimension_order: List[str | None] | None = None, channel_names: List[List[str] | None] | None = None, image_name: List[str | None] | None = None, physical_pixel_sizes: List[PhysicalPixelSizes] | None = None, channel_colors: List[List[List[int]] | None] | None = None) OME[source]

Create the necessary metadata for an OME tiff image


A list of 5- or 6-d tuples


A list of data types


The order of dimensions in the data array, using T,C,Z,Y,X and optionally S


The names for each channel to be put into the OME metadata


The name of the image to be put into the OME metadata


Z,Y, and X physical dimensions of each pixel, defaulting to microns


List of all images channel colors to be put into the OME metadata


is a S dimension present? S is expected to be the last dim in the data shape


An OME object that can be converted to a valid OME-XML string

static save(data: List[ndarray | Array] | ndarray | Array, uri: str | Path, dim_order: str | List[str | None] | None = None, ome_xml: str | OME | None = None, channel_names: List[str] | List[List[str] | None] | None = None, image_name: str | List[str | None] | None = None, physical_pixel_sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes | List[PhysicalPixelSizes] | None = None, channel_colors: List[List[int]] | List[List[List[int]] | None] | None = None, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, tifffile_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {'compression': COMPRESSION.ADOBE_DEFLATE}, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Write a data array to a file.

data: Union[List[biob.types.ArrayLike], biob.types.ArrayLike]

The array of data to store. Data arrays must have 2 to 6 dimensions. If a list is provided, then it is understood to be multiple images written to the ome-tiff file. All following metadata parameters will be expanded to the length of this list.

uri: biob.types.PathLike

The URI or local path for where to save the data. Note: OmeTiffWriter can only write to local file systems.

dim_order: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, None]]]]

The dimension order of the provided data. Dimensions must be a list of T, C, Z, Y, Z, and S (S=samples for rgb data). Dimension strings must be same length as number of dimensions in the data. If S is present it must be last and its data count must be 3 or 4. Default: None. If None is provided for any data array, we will guess dimensions based on a TCZYX ordering. In the None case, data will be assumed to be scalar, not RGB.

ome_xml: Optional[Union[str, OME]]

Provided OME metadata. The metadata can be an xml string or an OME object from ome-biob.types. A provided ome_xml will override any other provided metadata arguments. Default: None The passed-in metadata will be validated against current OME_XML schema and raise exception if invalid. The ome_xml will also be compared against the dimensions of the input data. If None is given, then OME-XML metadata will be generated from the data array and any of the following metadata arguments.

channel_names: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Optional[List[str]]]]]

Lists of strings representing the names of the data channels Default: None If None is given, the list will be generated as a 0-indexed list of strings of the form “Channel:image_index:channel_index”

image_name: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, None]]]]

List of strings representing the names of the images Default: None If None is given, the list will be generated as a 0-indexed list of strings of the form “Image:image_index”

physical_pixel_sizes: Optional[Union[biob.types.PhysicalPixelSizes,


List of numbers representing the physical pixel sizes in Z, Y, X in microns Default: None

channel_colors: Optional[Union[List[List[int]], List[Optional[List[List[int]]]]]

List of rgb color values per channel or a list of lists for each image. These must be values compatible with the OME spec. Default: None

fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {}

tifffile_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to tifffile write function. Do not use these kwargs to provide the image description, photometric configuration, or planarconfig parameters as those are all determined via the image and metadata provided from caller. Default: DEFAULT_TIFF_WRITE_KWARGS

Compression using ADOBE_DEFLATE (ZLIB)


Non-local file system URI provided.


Write a TCZYX data set to OME-Tiff

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([1, 10, 3, 1024, 2048])
..., "file.ome.tif")

Write data with a dimension order into OME-Tiff

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([10, 3, 1024, 2048])
..., "file.ome.tif", dim_order="ZCYX")

Write multi-scene data to OME-Tiff, specifying channel names

>>> image0 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 1024, 2048])
... image1 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 512, 512])
...     [image0, image1],
...     "file.ome.tif",
...     dim_order="CZYX",  # this single value will be repeated to each image
...     channel_names=[["C00","C01","C02"],["C10","C11","C12"]]
... )

Write data with custom compression scheme

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([1, 10, 3, 1024, 2048])
...     image,
...     "file.ome.tif",
...     tifffile_kwargs={
...         "compression": "zlib",
...         "compressionargs": {"level": 8},
...     },
... )
class bioio.writers.OmeZarrWriter(uri: str | Path)[source]

Bases: object


uri: biob.types.PathLike

The URI or local path for where to save the data.

static build_ome(size_z: int, image_name: str, channel_names: List[str], channel_colors: List[int], channel_minmax: List[Tuple[float, float]]) Dict[source]

Create the omero metadata for an OME zarr image


Number of z planes


The name of the image


The names for each channel


List of all channel colors


List of all (min, max) pairs of channel intensities


An “omero” metadata object suitable for writing to ome-zarr

write_image(image_data: ndarray | Array, image_name: str, physical_pixel_sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes | None, channel_names: List[str] | None, channel_colors: List[int] | None, chunk_dims: Tuple | None = None, scale_num_levels: int = 1, scale_factor: float = 2.0, dimension_order: str | None = None) None[source]

Write a data array to a file. NOTE that this API is not yet finalized and will change in the future.

image_data: biob.types.ArrayLike

The array of data to store. Data arrays must have 2 to 6 dimensions. If a list is provided, then it is understood to be multiple images written to the ome-tiff file. All following metadata parameters will be expanded to the length of this list.

image_name: str

string representing the name of the image

physical_pixel_sizes: Optional[biob.types.PhysicalPixelSizes]

PhysicalPixelSizes object representing the physical pixel sizes in Z, Y, X in microns. Default: None

channel_names: Optional[List[str]]

Lists of strings representing the names of the data channels Default: None If None is given, the list will be generated as a 0-indexed list of strings of the form “Channel:image_index:channel_index”

channel_colors: Optional[List[int]]

List of rgb color values per channel or a list of lists for each image. These must be values compatible with the OME spec. Default: None

scale_num_levels: Optional[int]

Number of pyramid levels to use for the image. Default: 1 (represents no downsampled levels)

scale_factor: Optional[float]

The scale factor to use for the image. Only active if scale_num_levels > 1. Default: 2.0

dimension_order: Optional[str]

The dimension order of the data. If None is given, the dimension order will be guessed from the number of dimensions in the data according to TCZYX order.


Write a TCZYX data set to OME-Zarr

>>> image = numpy.ndarray([1, 10, 3, 1024, 2048])
... writer = OmeZarrWriter("/path/to/file.ome.zarr")
... writer.write_image(image)

Write multi-scene data to OME-Zarr, specifying channel names

>>> image0 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 1024, 2048])
... image1 = numpy.ndarray([3, 10, 512, 512])
... writer = OmeZarrWriter("/path/to/file.ome.zarr")
... writer.write_image(image0, "Image:0", ["C00","C01","C02"])
... writer.write_image(image1, "Image:1", ["C10","C11","C12"])

alias of OmeZarrWriter