Source code for bioio.writers.two_d_writer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import bioio_base as biob
import dask.array as da
from imageio import get_writer

from .writer import Writer


[docs] class TwoDWriter(Writer): """ A writer for image data is only 2 dimension with samples (RGB / RGBA) optional. Primarily directed at formats: "png", "jpg", etc. This is primarily a passthrough to imageio.imwrite. """ _PLANE_DIMENSIONS = [ biob.dimensions.DimensionNames.SpatialY, biob.dimensions.DimensionNames.SpatialX, ] _PLANE_WITH_SAMPLES_DIMENSIONS = _PLANE_DIMENSIONS + [ biob.dimensions.DimensionNames.Samples ] DIM_ORDERS = { 2: "".join(_PLANE_DIMENSIONS), # Greyscale 3: "".join(_PLANE_WITH_SAMPLES_DIMENSIONS), # RGB / RGBA } FFMPEG_FORMATS = ["mov", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg", "mp4", "mkv", "wmv", "ogg"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_extension_and_mode(path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Provided a path to a file, provided back the extension (format) of the file and the imageio read mode. Parameters ---------- path: str The file to provide extension and mode info for. Returns ------- extension: str The extension (a naive guess at the format) of the file. mode: str The imageio read mode to use for image reading. """ # Select extension to handle special formats extension = path.split(".")[-1] # Set mode to many-image reading if FFMPEG format was provided # if extension in TwoDWriter.FFMPEG_FORMATS: mode = "I" # Otherwise, have imageio infer the mode else: mode = "?" return extension, mode
[docs] @staticmethod def save( data: biob.types.ArrayLike, uri: biob.types.PathLike, dim_order: Optional[str] = None, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Write a data array to a file. Parameters ---------- data: types.ArrayLike The array of data to store. Data must have either two or three dimensions. uri: types.PathLike The URI or local path for where to save the data. dim_order: str The dimension order of the provided data. Default: None. Based off the number of dimensions, will assume the dimensions similar to how reads in data. That is, two dimensions: YX and three dimensions: YXS. fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {} Examples -------- Data is the correct shape and dimension order >>> image = dask.array.random.random((100, 100, 4)) ..., "file.png") Data provided with current dimension order >>> image = numpy.random.rand(3, 1024, 2048) ..., "file.png", "SYX") Save to remote >>> image = numpy.random.rand(100, 100, 3) ..., "s3://my-bucket/file.png") """ # Check unpack uri and extension fs, path =, fs_kwargs=fs_kwargs) ( extension, imageio_mode, ) = TwoDWriter.get_extension_and_mode(path) # Assumption: if provided a dask array to save, it can fit into memory if isinstance(data, da.core.Array): data = data.compute() # Shorthand num dimensions n_dims = len(data.shape) # Check num dimensions if n_dims not in TwoDWriter.DIM_ORDERS: raise biob.exceptions.UnexpectedShapeError( f"TwoDWriter requires that data must have either 2 or 3 dimensions. " f"Provided data with {n_dims} dimensions. ({data.shape})" ) # Assume dim order if not provided if dim_order is None: dim_order = TwoDWriter.DIM_ORDERS[n_dims] # Uppercase dim order dim_order = dim_order.upper() # Check dimensions provided in the dim order string are all Y, X, or S if any( [dim not in TwoDWriter._PLANE_WITH_SAMPLES_DIMENSIONS for dim in dim_order] ): raise biob.exceptions.InvalidDimensionOrderingError( f"The dim_order parameter only accepts dimensions: " f"{TwoDWriter._PLANE_WITH_SAMPLES_DIMENSIONS}. " f"Provided dim_order string: '{dim_order}'." ) # Transpose dimensions if dim_order not ready for imageio if dim_order != TwoDWriter.DIM_ORDERS[n_dims]: data = biob.transforms.reshape_data( data, given_dims=dim_order, return_dims=TwoDWriter.DIM_ORDERS[n_dims] ) # Save image with, "wb") as open_resource: with get_writer( open_resource, format=extension, mode=imageio_mode, ) as writer: writer.append_data(data)