bioio_base package¶
bioio_base.constants module¶
bioio_base.dimensions module¶
- class bioio_base.dimensions.DimensionNames[source]¶
- Channel = 'C'¶
- MosaicTile = 'M'¶
- Samples = 'S'¶
- SpatialX = 'X'¶
- SpatialY = 'Y'¶
- SpatialZ = 'Z'¶
- Time = 'T'¶
- class bioio_base.dimensions.Dimensions(dims: Collection[str], shape: Tuple[int, ...])[source]¶
A general object for managing the pairing of dimension name and dimension size.
- Parameters:
- dims: Collection[str]
An ordered string or collection of the dimensions to pair with their sizes.
- shape: Tuple[int, …]
An ordered tuple of the dimensions sizes to pair with their names.
>>> dims = Dimensions("TCZYX", (1, 4, 75, 624, 924)) ... dims.X ... dims['T', 'X']
- property order: str¶
- Returns:
- order: str
The natural order of the dimensions as a single string.
- property shape: Tuple[int, ...]¶
- Returns:
- shape: Tuple[int, …]
The dimension sizes in their natural order.
bioio_base.exceptions module¶
- exception bioio_base.exceptions.ConflictingArgumentsError[source]¶
This exception is returned when 2 arguments to the same function are in conflict.
- exception bioio_base.exceptions.InvalidDimensionOrderingError[source]¶
A general exception that can be thrown when handling dimension ordering or validation. Should be provided with a message for the user to be given more context.
bioio_base.image_container module¶
- class bioio_base.image_container.ImageContainer(image: str | Path | ndarray | Array | DataArray | List[ndarray | Array | DataArray] | List[str | Path], reader: Type[ImageContainer] | None = None, reconstruct_mosaic: bool = True, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
- abstract property channel_names: List[str] | None¶
- abstract property current_resolution_level: int¶
- abstract property current_scene: str¶
- abstract property current_scene_index: int¶
- abstract property dask_data: Array¶
- abstract property data: ndarray¶
- abstract property dims: Dimensions¶
- abstract property dtype: dtype¶
- abstract property metadata: Any¶
- abstract property physical_pixel_sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes¶
- abstract property resolution_levels: Tuple[int, ...]¶
- abstract property scenes: Tuple[str, ...]¶
- abstract property shape: Tuple[int, ...]¶
- abstract property time_interval: float | None¶
- abstract property xarray_dask_data: DataArray¶
- abstract property xarray_data: DataArray¶ module¶
- str | Path, enforce_exists: bool = False, fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Tuple[AbstractFileSystem, str] [source]¶
Find and return the appropriate filesystem and path from a path-like object.
- Parameters:
- uri: PathLike
The local or remote path or uri.
- enforce_exists: bool
Check whether or not the resource exists, if not, raise FileNotFoundError.
- Returns:
- fs: AbstractFileSystem
The filesystem to operate on.
- path: str
The full path to the target resource.
- fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {}
- Raises:
- FileNotFoundError
If enforce_exists is provided value True and the resource is not found or is unavailable.
bioio_base.noop_reader module¶
- class bioio_base.noop_reader.NoopReader(image: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
No-op (no operation) reader intended to be used in tests as a way to test utilities that utilize readers but are not trying to test any specific reader.
NOT intended to be inherited by plug-in readers see ImageContainer instead.
- property scenes: Tuple[str, ...]¶
- Returns:
- scenes: Tuple[str, …]
A tuple of valid scene ids in the file.
Scene IDs are strings - not a range of integers.
When iterating over scenes please use:
>>> for id in image.scenes
and not:
>>> for i in range(len(image.scenes))
bioio_base.reader module¶
- class bioio_base.reader.Reader(image: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
A small class to build standardized image reader objects that deal with the raw image and metadata.
- Parameters:
- image: Any
Some type of object to read and follow the Reader specification.
- fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {}
It is up to the implementer of the Reader to decide which types they would like to accept (certain readers may not support buffers for example).
- property channel_names: List[str] | None¶
- Returns:
- channel_names: List[str]
Using available metadata, the list of strings representing channel names. If no channel dimension present in the data, returns None.
- property current_resolution_level: int¶
- Returns:
- resolution_level: int
The current resolution level.
- property current_scene: str¶
- Returns:
- scene: str
The current operating scene.
- property current_scene_index: int¶
- Returns:
- scene_index: int
The current operating scene index in the file.
- property dask_data: Array¶
- Returns:
- dask_data: da.Array
The image as a dask array with the native dimension ordering.
- property data: ndarray¶
- Returns:
- data: np.ndarray
The image as a numpy array with native dimension ordering.
- property dims: Dimensions¶
- Returns:
- dims: Dimensions
Object with the paired dimension names and their sizes.
- property dtype: dtype¶
- Returns:
- dtype: np.dtype
Data-type of the image array’s elements.
- get_dask_stack(**kwargs: Any) Array [source]¶
Get all scenes stacked in to a single array.
- Returns:
- stack: da.Array
The fully stacked array. This can be 6+ dimensions with Scene being the first dimension.
- kwargs: Any
Extra keyword arguments that will be passed down to the generate stack function.
See also
Underlying function for generating various scene stacks.
- get_image_dask_data(dimension_order_out: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Array [source]¶
Get specific dimension image data out of an image as a dask array.
- Parameters:
- dimension_order_out: Optional[str]
A string containing the dimension ordering desired for the returned ndarray. Default: The natural image dimension order.
- kwargs: Any
C=1: specifies Channel 1
T=3: specifies the fourth index in T
D=n: D is Dimension letter and n is the index desired. D should not be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=[a, b, c]: D is Dimension letter and a, b, c is the list of indices desired. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=(a, b, c): D is Dimension letter and a, b, c is the tuple of indices desired. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=range(…): D is Dimension letter and range is the standard Python range function. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=slice(…): D is Dimension letter and slice is the standard Python slice function. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
- Returns:
- data: da.Array
The image data with the specified dimension ordering.
If a requested dimension is not present in the data the dimension is added with a depth of 1.
See aicsimageio.transforms.reshape_data for more details.
Specific index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... c1 = img.get_image_dask_data("ZYX", C=1)
List of index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... first_and_second = img.get_image_dask_data("CZYX", C=[0, 1])
Tuple of index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... first_and_last = img.get_image_dask_data("CZYX", C=(0, -1))
Range of index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... first_three = img.get_image_dask_data("CZYX", C=range(3))
Slice selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... every_other = img.get_image_dask_data("CZYX", C=slice(0, -1, 2))
- get_image_data(dimension_order_out: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) ndarray [source]¶
Read the image as a numpy array then return specific dimension image data.
- Parameters:
- dimension_order_out: Optional[str]
A string containing the dimension ordering desired for the returned ndarray. Default: The natural image dimension order.
- kwargs: Any
C=1: specifies Channel 1
T=3: specifies the fourth index in T
D=n: D is Dimension letter and n is the index desired. D should not be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=[a, b, c]: D is Dimension letter and a, b, c is the list of indices desired. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=(a, b, c): D is Dimension letter and a, b, c is the tuple of indices desired. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=range(…): D is Dimension letter and range is the standard Python range function. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
D=slice(…): D is Dimension letter and slice is the standard Python slice function. D should be present in the dimension_order_out.
- Returns:
- data: np.ndarray
The image data with the specified dimension ordering.
If a requested dimension is not present in the data the dimension is added with a depth of 1.
This will preload the entire image before returning the requested data.
See aicsimageio.transforms.reshape_data for more details.
Specific index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... c1 = img.get_image_data("ZYX", C=1)
List of index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... first_and_second = img.get_image_data("CZYX", C=[0, 1])
Tuple of index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... first_and_last = img.get_image_data("CZYX", C=(0, -1))
Range of index selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... first_three = img.get_image_dask_data("CZYX", C=range(3))
Slice selection
>>> img = Reader("s_1_t_1_c_10_z_20.ome.tiff") ... every_other = img.get_image_data("CZYX", C=slice(0, -1, 2))
- get_mosaic_tile_position(mosaic_tile_index: int, **kwargs: int) Tuple[int, int] [source]¶
Get the absolute position of the top left point for a single mosaic tile.
- Parameters:
- mosaic_tile_index: int
The index for the mosaic tile to retrieve position information for.
- kwargs: int
The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.
Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”).
- Returns:
- top: int
The Y coordinate for the tile position.
- left: int
The X coordinate for the tile position.
- Raises:
- UnexpectedShapeError
The image has no mosaic dimension available.
- IndexError
No matching mosaic tile index found.
- get_mosaic_tile_positions(**kwargs: int) List[Tuple[int, int]] [source]¶
Get the absolute positions of the top left points for each mosaic tile matching the specified dimensions and current scene.
- Parameters:
- kwargs: int
The keywords below allow you to specify the dimensions that you wish to match. If you under-specify the constraints you can easily end up with a massive image stack.
Z = 1 # The Z-dimension. C = 2 # The C-dimension (“channel”). T = 3 # The T-dimension (“time”).
- Returns:
- mosaic_tile_positions: List[Tuple[int, int]]
List of the Y and X coordinate for the tile positions.
- Raises:
- UnexpectedShapeError
The image has no mosaic dimension available.
- get_stack(**kwargs: Any) ndarray [source]¶
Get all scenes stacked in to a single array.
- Returns:
- stack: np.ndarray
The fully stacked array. This can be 6+ dimensions with Scene being the first dimension.
- kwargs: Any
Extra keyword arguments that will be passed down to the generate stack function.
See also
Underlying function for generating various scene stacks.
- get_xarray_dask_stack(**kwargs: Any) DataArray [source]¶
Get all scenes stacked in to a single array.
- Returns:
- stack: xr.DataArray
The fully stacked array. This can be 6+ dimensions with Scene being the first dimension.
- kwargs: Any
Extra keyword arguments that will be passed down to the generate stack function.
See also
Underlying function for generating various scene stacks.
When requesting an xarray stack, the first scene’s coordinate planes are used for the returned xarray DataArray object coordinate planes.
- get_xarray_stack(**kwargs: Any) DataArray [source]¶
Get all scenes stacked in to a single array.
- Returns:
- stack: xr.DataArray
The fully stacked array. This can be 6+ dimensions with Scene being the first dimension.
- kwargs: Any
Extra keyword arguments that will be passed down to the generate stack function.
See also
Underlying function for generating various scene stacks.
When requesting an xarray stack, the first scene’s coordinate planes are used for the returned xarray DataArray object coordinate planes.
- classmethod is_supported_image(image: str | Path | ndarray | Array | DataArray | List[ndarray | Array | DataArray] | List[str | Path], fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]¶
Asserts that the provided image like object is supported by the current Reader.
- Parameters:
- image: types.ImageLike
The filepath or array to validate as a supported type.
- fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
Any specific keyword arguments to pass down to the fsspec created filesystem. Default: {}
- kwargs: Any
Any kwargs used for reading and validation of the file.
- Returns:
- supported: bool
Boolean indicated if the provided data is or is not supported by the current Reader.
- Raises:
- TypeError
Invalid type provided to image parameter.
- property metadata: Any¶
- Returns:
- metadata: Any
The metadata for the formats supported by the inhereting Reader.
If the inheriting Reader supports processing the metadata into a more useful format / Python object, this will return the result.
For both the unprocessed and processed metadata from the file, use xarray_dask_data.attrs which will contain a dictionary with keys: unprocessed and processed that you can then select.
- property mosaic_dask_data: Array¶
- Returns:
- dask_data: da.Array
The stitched together mosaic image as a dask array.
- Raises:
- InvalidDimensionOrderingError
No MosaicTile dimension available to reader.
Each reader can implement mosaic tile stitching differently but it is common that each tile is a dask array chunk.
- property mosaic_data: ndarray¶
- Returns:
- data: np.ndarray
The stitched together mosaic image as a numpy array.
- Raises:
- InvalidDimensionOrderingError
No MosaicTile dimension available to reader.
Very large images should use mosaic_dask_data to avoid seg-faults.
- property mosaic_tile_dims: Dimensions | None¶
- Returns:
- tile_dims: Optional[Dimensions]
The dimensions for each tile in the mosaic image. If the image is not a mosaic image, returns None.
- property mosaic_xarray_dask_data: DataArray¶
- Returns:
- xarray_dask_data: xr.DataArray
The delayed mosaic image and metadata as an annotated data array.
- Raises:
- InvalidDimensionOrderingError
No MosaicTile dimension available to reader.
Each reader can implement mosaic tile stitching differently but it is common that each tile is a dask array chunk.
- property mosaic_xarray_data: DataArray¶
- Returns:
- xarray_dask_data: xr.DataArray
The in-memory mosaic image and metadata as an annotated data array.
- Raises:
- InvalidDimensionOrderingError
No MosaicTile dimension available to reader.
Very large images should use mosaic_xarray_dask_data to avoid seg-faults.
- property ome_metadata: OME¶
- Returns:
- metadata: OME
The original metadata transformed into the OME specfication. This likely isn’t a complete transformation but is guarenteed to be a valid transformation.
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError
No metadata transformer available.
- property physical_pixel_sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes¶
- Returns:
- sizes: PhysicalPixelSizes
Using available metadata, the floats representing physical pixel sizes for dimensions Z, Y, and X.
We currently do not handle unit attachment to these values. Please see the file metadata for unit information.
- property resolution_level_dims: Dict[int, Tuple[int, ...]]¶
- Returns:
- resolution_level_dims: Dict[int, Tuple[int, …]]
resolution level dictionary of shapes.
- property resolution_levels: Tuple[int, ...]¶
- Returns:
- resolution_levels: Tuple[str, …]
Return the available resolution levels for the current scene. By default these are ordered from highest resolution to lowest resolution.
- property scale: Scale¶
- Returns:
- scale: Scale
A Scale object constructed from the Reader’s time_interval and physical_pixel_sizes.
Combines temporal and spatial scaling information into a single object.
The channel scaling (C) is not derived from metadata and defaults to None.
- abstract property scenes: Tuple[str, ...]¶
- Returns:
- scenes: Tuple[str, …]
A tuple of valid scene ids in the file.
Scene IDs are strings - not a range of integers.
When iterating over scenes please use:
>>> for id in image.scenes
and not:
>>> for i in range(len(image.scenes))
- set_resolution_level(resolution_level: int) None [source]¶
Set the resolution level.
- Parameters:
- resolution_level: int
The resolution level to access the image at.
- Raises:
- IndexError
The provided resolution level is not found in the available resolution level list.
- set_scene(scene_id: str | int) None [source]¶
Set the operating scene.
- Parameters:
- scene_id: Union[str, int]
The scene id (if string) or scene index (if integer) to set as the operating scene.
- Raises:
- IndexError
The provided scene id or index is not found in the available scene id list.
- TypeError
The provided value wasn’t a string (scene id) or integer (scene index).
- property shape: Tuple[int, ...]¶
- Returns:
- shape: Tuple[int, …]
Tuple of the image array’s dimensions.
- property time_interval: float | None¶
- Returns:
- sizes: Time Interval
Using available metadata, this float represents the time interval for dimension T.
We currently do not handle unit attachment to these values. Please see the file metadata for unit information.
- property xarray_dask_data: DataArray¶
- Returns:
- xarray_dask_data: xr.DataArray
The delayed image and metadata as an annotated data array.
- property xarray_data: DataArray¶
- Returns:
- xarray_data: xr.DataArray
The fully read image and metadata as an annotated data array.
bioio_base.reader_metadata module¶
bioio_base.test_utilities module¶
- bioio_base.test_utilities.check_can_serialize_image_container(image_container: ImageContainer) None [source]¶
- bioio_base.test_utilities.check_local_file_not_open(image_container: ImageContainer) None [source]¶
- bioio_base.test_utilities.run_image_container_checks(image_container: ImageContainer, set_scene: str, expected_scenes: Tuple[str, ...], expected_current_scene: str, expected_shape: Tuple[int, ...], expected_dtype: dtype, expected_dims_order: str, expected_channel_names: List[str] | None, expected_physical_pixel_sizes: Tuple[float | None, float | None, float | None], expected_metadata_type: type | Tuple[type | Tuple[Any, ...], ...], set_resolution_level: int = 0, expected_current_resolution_level: int = 0, expected_resolution_levels: Tuple[int, ...] = (0,)) ImageContainer [source]¶
A general suite of tests to run against readers.
- bioio_base.test_utilities.run_image_file_checks(ImageContainer: Type[ImageContainer], image: str | Path, set_scene: str, expected_scenes: Tuple[str, ...], expected_current_scene: str, expected_shape: Tuple[int, ...], expected_dtype: dtype, expected_dims_order: str, expected_channel_names: List[str] | None, expected_physical_pixel_sizes: Tuple[float | None, float | None, float | None], expected_metadata_type: type | Tuple[type | Tuple[Any, ...], ...], set_resolution_level: int = 0, expected_current_resolution_level: int = 0, expected_resolution_levels: Tuple[int, ...] = (0,), reader_kwargs: dict = {'fs_kwargs': {'anon': True}}) ImageContainer [source]¶
- bioio_base.test_utilities.run_multi_scene_image_read_checks(ImageContainer: Type[ImageContainer], image: str | Path, first_scene_id: str | int, first_scene_shape: Tuple[int, ...], first_scene_dtype: dtype, second_scene_id: str | int, second_scene_shape: Tuple[int, ...], second_scene_dtype: dtype, allow_same_scene_data: bool = True, reader_kwargs: dict = {'fs_kwargs': {'anon': True}}) ImageContainer [source]¶
A suite of tests to ensure that data is reset when switching scenes.
- bioio_base.test_utilities.run_no_scene_name_image_read_checks(ImageContainer: Type[ImageContainer], image: str | Path, first_scene_id: str | int, first_scene_dtype: dtype, second_scene_id: str | int, second_scene_dtype: dtype, allow_same_scene_data: bool = True, reader_kwargs: dict = {'fs_kwargs': {'anon': True}}) ImageContainer [source]¶
A suite of tests to check that scene names are auto-filled when not present, and scene switching is reflected in current_scene_index.
- bioio_base.test_utilities.run_reader_mosaic_checks(tiles_reader: Reader, stitched_reader: Reader, tiles_set_scene: str, stitched_set_scene: str) None [source]¶
A general suite of tests to run against readers that can stitch mosaic tiles.
This tests uses in-memory numpy to compare. Test mosaics should be small enough to fit into memory.
bioio_base.transforms module¶
- bioio_base.transforms.generate_stack(image_container: ImageContainer, mode: Literal['data', 'dask_data', 'xarray_data', 'xarray_dask_data'], drop_non_matching_scenes: bool = False, select_scenes: list[str | int] | tuple[str | int, ...] | None = None, scene_character: str = 'I', scene_coord_values: str = 'index') ndarray | Array | DataArray [source]¶
Stack each scene contained in the reader into a single array. This method handles the logic of determining which stack function to use (dask or numpy) and whether or not to return a labelled array (xr.DataArray). Users should prefer to use one of get_stack, get_dask_stack, get_xarray_stack, or get_xarray_dask_stack.
- Parameters:
- mode: Literal[“data”, “dask_data”, “xarray_data”, “xarray_dask_data”]
String describing the style of data to return. Should be one of: “data”, “dask_data”, “xarray_data”, “xarray_dask_data”.
- drop_non_matching_scenes: bool
During the scene iteration process, if the next scene to be added to the stack has different shape or dtype, should it be dropped or raise an error. Default: False (raise an error)
- select_scenes: Optional[
Union[List[Union[str, int]], Tuple[Union[str, int], …]]]
Which scenes to stack into a single array. Scenes can be provided as a list or tuple of scene indices or names. It is recommended to use the scene integer index instead of the scene name to avoid duplicate scene name lookup issues. Default: None (stack all scenes)
- scene_character: str
Character to use as the name of the scene dimension on the output array. Default “I”
- scene_coord_valuesstr
How to assign coordinates to the scene dimension of the final array. If scene_coord_values=”names” use the scene name from the reader object. If scene_coord_values=”index” don’t attach any coordinates and fall back to integer values. Default: “index”
- Returns:
- stack: types.MetaArrayLike
The fully stacked array. This can be 6+ dimensions with Scene being the first dimension.
- bioio_base.transforms.reshape_data(data: ndarray | Array, given_dims: str, return_dims: str, **kwargs: Any) ndarray | Array [source]¶
Reshape the data into return_dims, pad missing dimensions, and prune extra dimensions. Warns the user to use the base reader if the depth of the Dimension being removed is not 1.
- Parameters:
- data: types.ArrayLike
Either a dask array or numpy.ndarray of arbitrary shape but with the dimensions specified in given_dims
- given_dims: str
The dimension ordering of data, “CZYX”, “VBTCXZY” etc
- return_dims: str
The dimension ordering of the return data
- kwargs:
C=1 => desired specific channel, if C in the input data has depth 3 then C=1 returns the 2nd slice (0 indexed)
Z=10 => desired specific channel, if Z in the input data has depth 20 then Z=10 returns the 11th slice
T=[0, 1] => desired specific timepoints, if T in the input data has depth 100 then T=[0, 1] returns the 1st and 2nd slice (0 indexed)
T=(0, 1) => desired specific timepoints, if T in the input data has depth 100 then T=(0, 1) returns the 1st and 2nd slice (0 indexed)
T=(0, -1) => desired specific timepoints, if T in the input data has depth 100 then T=(0, -1) returns the first and last slice
T=range(10) => desired specific timepoints, if T in the input data has depth 100 then T=range(10) returns the first ten slices
T=slice(0, -1, 5) => desired specific timepoints, T=slice(0, -1, 5) returns every fifth timepoint
- Returns:
- data: types.ArrayLike
The data with the specified dimension ordering.
- Raises:
- ConflictingArgumentsError
Missing dimension in return dims when using range, slice, or multi-index dimension selection for the requested dimension.
- IndexError
Requested dimension index not present in data.
Specific index selection
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... z1 = reshape_data(data, "ZYX", "YX", Z=1)
List of index selection
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... first_and_second = reshape_data(data, "ZYX", "YX", Z=[0, 1])
Tuple of index selection
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... first_and_last = reshape_data(data, "ZYX", "YX", Z=(0, -1))
Range of index selection
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... first_three = reshape_data(data, "ZYX", "YX", Z=range(3))
Slice selection
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... every_other = reshape_data(data, "ZYX", "YX", Z=slice(0, -1, 2))
Empty dimension expansion
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... with_time = reshape_data(data, "ZYX", "TZYX")
Dimension order shuffle
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... as_zx_base = reshape_data(data, "ZYX", "YZX")
Selections, empty dimension expansions, and dimension order shuffle
>>> data = np.random.rand((10, 100, 100)) ... example = reshape_data(data, "CYX", "BSTCZYX", C=slice(0, -1, 3))
- bioio_base.transforms.transpose_to_dims(data: ndarray | Array, given_dims: str, return_dims: str) ndarray | Array [source]¶
This shuffles the data dimensions from given_dims to return_dims. Each dimension must be present in given_dims must be used in return_dims
- Parameters:
- data: types.ArrayLike
Either a dask array or numpy.ndarray of arbitrary shape but with the dimensions specified in given_dims
- given_dims: str
The dimension ordering of data, “CZYX”, “VBTCXZY” etc
- return_dims: str
The dimension ordering of the return data
- Returns:
- data: types.ArrayLike
The data with the specified dimension ordering.
- Raises:
- ConflictingArgumentsError
given_dims and return_dims are incompatible.
bioio_base.types module¶
- class bioio_base.types.PhysicalPixelSizes(Z, Y, X)[source]¶
Create new instance of PhysicalPixelSizes(Z, Y, X)
- X: float | None¶
Alias for field number 2
- Y: float | None¶
Alias for field number 1
- Z: float | None¶
Alias for field number 0
- class bioio_base.types.Scale(T, C, Z, Y, X)[source]¶
Create new instance of Scale(T, C, Z, Y, X)
- C: float | None¶
Alias for field number 1
- T: float | None¶
Alias for field number 0
- X: float | None¶
Alias for field number 4
- Y: float | None¶
Alias for field number 3
- Z: float | None¶
Alias for field number 2
Module contents¶
Top-level package for bioio_base.